Thursday, January 24, 2008


A Simple 5 Step System For Starting A Home Base Business... The Right Way

Home Base Business and the dream of working from your own home, by your own terms and hours is a dream shared by many, but the unfortunate thing that happens, is they 'Fail' because they started it for all the wrong reasons.

This almost happened to me. My dream of having my own home base business was almost a distant memory until I was forced to make one of the BIGGEST decisions of my life and that was to get a Mentor.

I'm not saying you have to go out and get a mentor, I'm just sharing with you what I did in order to make my dream a reality.

And my mentor wasn't just any mentor either, he was and still is the #1 Business Coach in North America who showed me and thousands of others what we were doing wrong and what we needed to do to make it right.

This was an experience I will carry with me for the rest of my life and think about everyday.

Who was my mentor your probably wondering?

Well... his name is Raymond Aaron, and he is the founder of the Monthly Mentor -

This man changed my life forever with his principles.

So with that said, what I'm about to share with you he taught me and is a simple system that will only take you a few minutes to do.

These few minutes will determine the right home base business for you, whether it's online or offline, so YOU don't fall victim to failure like many home base business start-ups do.

So... with that said, in these next few paragraphs I'm going to show you how to pick the right business for you to start by using a simple little system I was shown that takes only a few minutes to do.

Believe me, this will not be as stressful as you think.

The first step...

Step #1. Get a pen/pencil and note pad.

This is the easy step. All you have to do Right Now is get a pen/pencil and note pad to write on for the next step coming up.

Do you have your pen/pencil and note pad yet?

Step #2. Write down your TOP 10.

This is where your going to have to use your brain a little bit because this TOP 10 list your about to write down are the TOP 10 home base businesses you would like to start-up based on your interests and passions.

Please... take a few minutes to do this. There's no need to rush.

Step #3. Get rid of five of your TOP 10.

Okay, now it's time to make some cuts. This is where you have to really think about the 10 home base business start-ups you have written down infront of you.

Look at them good and hard.

Now it's time to get rid of the five you would MOST likely not want to start.

Pick wisely.

Step #4. Now get rid of two more.

It's now time to break it down your list even more by getting rid of two more of the five home base business start-ups you have listed infront of you on your note pad.

Remember what we are trying to do here. We're trying to figure out the best home base business for YOU.

After this step you should only be looking at three home base business start-ups that you REALLY want to start.

Step #5. Your FINAL decision.

Now it's time for your FINAL decision.

It all comes down to this last step so make sure you make the right choice for it is the one you're go run with to make your entrepreneurial dreams come true.

Of the three you have left on the note pad infront of you choose the ONE that you know you would excel at and are passionate about doing Day In and Day Out.

This is a BIG decision.

Take a few minutes to REALLY think this through... okay.

Go for a walk if you have to or even sleep on it and decide in the morning.

It's up to you.

That's all there is to it.

I know it seems simple from reading this article, and it is if you know how to simplify the process and not make it more difficult then it really has to be.

People always seem to take the hard route at these kinds of decisions(I was one of them) when it really doesn't have to be, so if you haven't already done so, go through the five steps above and give them a try so you don't fall victim to becoming one of those home base business failures, and become one of those home base business "Successes" doing what it is you are most passionate about and love doing everyday.

Cory Threlfall is the Editor and Publisher of a Online Business and Marketing publication called... The Internet Wonders eZine - - and also has his own Blog called Strategic Online Business and Marketing Tactics at ==> | Plus... he owns and operates one of the nets #1 Info Product and Software storefronts. Go NOW and check it out at ==> Blog23784
Frayda Blog93500

Business Success is Influence!

Do you feel frustrated when sales prospects dont return your calls? Does your anxiety about paying your bills give off a Im frantic to get a sale look?

When you are successful business owner you have a platform to position your product or service with more people. Doors then open to client opportunities. You sell more when your platform is working for you. You can raise your rates and finally have money to go on vacation.

How do you get a platform?

Business success is influence. Influence gives you a voice in your industry. Influence gives you customers that listen. Warning: Influence is not a one-minute sales tip. The proven first step to more influence is to understand how you serve your customer. This requires tough introspection. You need to be serious about serving your customer. Many gurus call this your unique selling proposition. Many professors call this a point of view. But they dont tell you that you need to first serve your customer with passion and purpose. If you serve your customers first, you will have success. Profits will follow excellent customer service!

Proven Advice for Understanding your Business Purpose

Increase Your Business Platform Tip One. Understand your primary purpose for serving your client. You could serve clients by increasing their profitability when you are a business selling to another business (B2B). This allows the clients CEO to tame a nasty board of directors. To make this clear to your customers, clearly state the business purpose in your statement of work, in your presentation of information and your action plan. Have a single minded focus on your purpose; to increase their revenue! You could also sell your services to other businesses to decrease their operating costs. This allows them to crush their competition. Your key business purpose for the engagement is a gigantic personal benefit to these key decision makers. They will invite you back again for another engagement if you make them look good.

Easy Ways to Increase your Business Passion

Increase Your Business Platform Tip Two. Understand your key reason you wake up in the morning to serve your customer. Document your key passion. This could become your mission statement. It is a statement of who you are that will attract clients to you. For example, you could enhance customers lives in some measurable and tangible way when you are a business selling to customers (B2C).Write down three specific ways that your customers feel as a result of an interaction with your product or service. You may provide information that transforms their thinking which has a benefit of less stress. You may cause them to be more physically vibrant causing them to live life more alive. You can bring them more financial prosperity that increases their confidence about facing their future. These benefits rock! Write your reason down today.

When you dont understand how to build of platform of business success and influence. you are missing out. You make your customers miss out. On what? You! Your product or service benefits them and if you do not have a platform for success, you can not enrich the lives of those you serve.

Write down how you serve your customer with passion. Drive all your business activities to this sole purpose. This guarantees that you will have a platform to position your product or service with more people.

Rosemary Hossenlopp © 2006 All Rights Reserved

Rosemary Hossenlopp, MBA provides proven business advice to Small Business Owners. If you are ready to start accelerating your business, then we have free tips here. Go here right now. Blog3814
Veronike Blog91856

Make Extra Spending Money in time For Holiday Shopping

With the holidays just a few short months away, now is the time to try to get extra cash to spend on your friends, family and maybe even youself. You'll hear all over the news to try and NOT use your credit cards, as interest rates will kill you later. It can be so hard to decide how much to spend on people, and what you can afford without going broke doing it. So what can you do, in order to make that extra money you may need for the holidays? Follow our tips below to help you find that "hidden" cash that you can use now to make your holidays merry and bright.

1. Clean out your house - Look around your house/garage. Do you have anything you don't use anymore, doesn't fit, given as a gift but you didn't want it to begin with? Sell it on eBay. Take your item, do a search on eBay and see what similiar items are going for now. You can do a short 3 day sale, or a 7 day sale, depending on how quickly you need the cash. Take good quality digital photos of your item, and make sure your description covers everything. If your items are quite large, and too expensive to ship, offer a "pick up only" option, to lure those in your area to bid on your item. Be realistic about the price as well. If you start the bid too high, you may end up getting no bids at all. Many times a lower starting bid will start a bidding war in the end between people who have gotten the "auction itch" and now want your item regardless of the price. When I sell on eBay, I prefer buyers who either send me a money order, or PayPal only. It gives you better options in the end.

2. Organize a neighborhood yard sale - Get you and your neighbors together to have a commuinty yard sale. Advertise in the paper for either free, or cheaply, and then more people are likley to come if they see that there are multiple families participating as compared to just one. Make it worth their while. Have coffee and donuts available for the early birds. If they want to talk you down, bargain with them. Remember - you are trying to make extra cash so every little bit counts.

3. Cut out buying coffee/lunch for a month - If you like to have that $4.00 cafe latte every morning, and lunch at the local spot, try bringing it from home for a month, and see how much you can save. Put the money you would've spent that week in a jar. By the end of the month you could have anywhere between $80 - 200 dollars at the end of the month, depending on how much you were spending.

4. Offer your services - If you bake well, or are crafty, tell your friends that you'll make those school cookies, or teacher's gifts for a nominal fee. Some parents may even like it if you delivered those items as well, which you could add to your cost.

5. Look in the paper for temp jobs - if you have the time, perhaps only on the weekend, see if local stores are offering seasonal jobs that would give you extra spending money. Even better would be an employee discount, where you could use your extra cash for gitf buying.

There are many other ways for you to come up with extra spending money for the holidays. Don't let the credit card companies lure you into thinking that you can spend up to your limit. You can easily and creatively have a great holiday season without breaking the bank. Good luck to you all!

S.W. Chadwick has been working in online businesses from home since 2000. She has written dozens of articles regarding entrepreneurial pursuits and online businesses. To learn more about working from home, please visit Copyright 2006, S.W. Chadwick, All Rights ReservedFawne Blog1380
Fidela Blog66923

Genuine Work At Home Opportunities So You Can Quit Your Day Job

There are a number of ways to make money online, but relatively few of these openings will pay you enough money so that you can quit your job and work from home full time. They allow you the flexibility to do what you want, when you want and still earn the same amount or even more money than you did at your old job.

Although, many may be skeptical about how one can make money online, there are a few options that one looking to work online can choose from.

Freelancing as a writer or programmer and designer can often earn one tens of thousands of dollars annually, especially if you are well trained and have the skills and the marketing "know how" so that you can constantly find clients.

Affiliate programs where you are paid to promote the products of many companies are also another great way to earn money online. Obviously, if you can create your own product and promote it, that would be the ideal situation as you would be able to keep all revenue that you earn rather than just 10% or 20% of the total sale value.

Still, the most popular way that those who work online are earning a stable income is through the creation of web sites and the sale of advertisement space and the use of programs such as Google AdSense or the Yahoo Publisher network.


For those who have worked to hone their skills in writing or web site design and creation, freelancing is probably the best online job opportunity. It allows them to run all aspects of their business from finding clients, completing the work, and/or subcontracting the work. Although this may be more work than if you worked in a team with a group of people, as a solo freelancer, you keep all of the money you make, rather than splitting it among the members/employees of your company. There are a numbers of freelance opportunities available today.

Content Writing
If you love to write and have strong writing skills, you should seriously consider offering a content writing service where you provide articles for magazines and web sites to publish.

Forum Posting
Forum posting is also another option. It involves contacting the owner of a new forum and to see if they are willing to pay for posts to help get their forum off the ground and boost activity. The best way to get a steady job forum posting is to visit webmaster forums where many of these owners are often searching for posters.

Webmaster forums are also a great place to find content writing jobs, but there are many other web sites that offer an up to date list of the latest content writing opportunities and thus these sites should be utilized as well. A content writer or forum poster who puts the time required to be successful into working can earn up to six figures annually.

Article Submission Service

Article Submission and Directory Submission is also a way that many freelancers can earn some extra money on the side. It involves submitting a web site to numerous web directories or submitting an article to many article directories. The purpose of this service is to help webmasters gain links to their web site.

Link Building Service

Direct link building is a great way that those who either own a large network of web sites or know someone who does can earn thousands online. Link building requires one to obtain back links to their client's web sites on other 3rd part sites. Link builders are usually paid at a flat rate per link that they secure and payment can range from $2-$10 a link and beyond.

Web design and Programming

Finally, for those who are familiar with web site design and programming, freelancers in the web site creation industry can get paid anywhere from $500 to $10,000 and more for a project depending on the amount of work required. This is one of the most lucrative online opportunities available, but to be successful, you will need to get the proper training so that clients are satisfied with your work and you are hired to take on larger, better compensating projects.


Affiliate programs are another very popular way to make money online. One can create a web site and put utilize space on their web site by advertising a certain product. The advertisement will be a link to an eStore where the product is being sold, and if an affiliate is able to drive a customer to the eStore, the owner of the eStore will pay the affiliate a certain percentage of the sale. Many major companies, such as eBay, Sears, Wal-Mart, and hundreds of others that sell products online have affiliate programs.

To sign up for one of these programs, you should visit and sign up with Click Bank and Commission Junction. These are the two web sites that most companies who have affiliate programs use to keep track of earnings, and to be able to participate in affiliate programs, you will have to be a member of one of these two web sites. Recently, many affiliates are using pay per click advertising program such as Google AdWords where they pay a certain amount of money for each visitor who clicks on the advertisement. The advertisement is an affiliate link so if the one clicks on the link makes a purchase, you can earn money through affiliate programs without even creating a web site.


Finally, we reach the most popular way of making money online, running web sites. The key to building a successful web site is coming up with a new fresh idea so that you will draw traffic.

Once you have got an idea, the first thing you need to do is secure hosting at a popular and reliable web host, such as GoDaddy or BlueHost. You can sign up for an account and pay for a certain hosting plan. The more you pay, the larger a web site you can create and the larger your bandwidth is. If you are unsure about all the technical aspects of running and hosting a web site, you should check with your web hosting provider what plan is best for you and your needs. Your host will also help you get a domain and transfer all files to get your site up and running.

Once you have a site live on the Internet and you are marketing it and drawing traffic, it is time to think about monetization. With a web site, you can either sell your own products that customers can purchase online or create a website for a service, such as the ones mentioned above. Those who may not have as much time, often opt to create a web site, get traffic, and use a program such as Google AdSense where they are paid each time a visitor clicks on an advertisement. Webmasters may also sell links to advertisers directly to earn more revenue from their web site.

There are a lot of great online opportunities available on the Internet, and if you are willing to put in the time and effort requires, you can make enough to quit your regular full time job and work from home online.

Arun Kumar is a home business expert with 5+ years experience. He currently owns several successful websites including and . You can find out legitimate work at home ideas at . Evita Blog10111
Vikky Blog84299

Corporate Print Buying Online Solutions

Compared to traditional methods, using 'simple to use' internet applications can deliver cost savings, reduce human error and enable faster delivery of products and services to all parties in the supply chain. For enterprises, marketing agencies and printing companies who need to streamline the print ordering process, web to print solutions are available on every level. In today's market place, you can choose from fully managed on-line print procurement systems to self hosted solutions that will enable total control of print procurement and application management.

For the corporate print buyer, the first step in moving your print procurement on-line is to list the requirements for your individual business needs. Your existing print suppliers should provide help with identifying these requirements. It is in everyone's interests to end up with a seamless print procurement process.

One of the biggest obstacles to implementation is the printer's desire to lock in a customer to their own on-line system, with the customer having the opposing view. It is vital for the print supplier to recognise this fact. Equally, the customer needs to recognise the value that a totally integrated print ordering solution will provide. The advantage to both is that it can cement a relationship for a period of years, leading to stability for the supplier and enhanced service for the customer.

Another challenge is introduced when more than one print supplier is involved. One answer for the corporate would be then to use a print management company or agency. If you're superhuman and know your printers will collaborate well, you might be able to manage this yourself. The above statements will apply.

Another option is to bring the whole thing in-house. Whether ordering stationery or managing constantly changing marketing collateral, the fundamental benefit is being able to enforce brands and manage document print and distribution. Sometimes, the corporate is the best placed to manage this. Whatever route you choose, successful print ordering implementations are those that involve all people. Those who will be touched by any new processes - internal employees or suppliers - should be part of the planning process. It's better to do this in the beginning when you are listing your requirements. People's fears can be addressed as well as outlining the benefits of change.

What's Possible?

Ordering Versioned Print: Typically, versioned printing is referred to when there is more than one copy of a version of a document or item. But, there may be any number of variations of that document or item. For example, a sales leaflet for a holiday company may have a design which it uses to advertise a range of holidays. However, even though the design and layout is the same, the content could be different for each type of holiday. There may be changes to text, pictures and colours specific for each offer. However, the print quantity for each offer will be more than 1 copy.

Ordering Personalised Print: Personalised printing is referred to when each print copy is unique to the recipient. The individual difference of each one might only be a change of name and mailing address. Or, if it is for 1-to-1 marketing, personalisation could be a complex combination of different text and images. An example might be a postcard advertising a car with an offer personalised to fit the recipients profile.

Printing Versioned and Personalised Items: With the very latest Digital Presses, quality is very close to that of Litho. Using real inks, immediate drying and fast delivery of finished personalised print, it isnt difficult to see why this sector of print is growing. Many organisations are enjoying reduced costs and business growth as a result of implementing targeted print campaigns as part of their overall sales and customer service strategy.

Modern Digital Presses are capable of producing quantities as low as 1. Although technically there isnt an upper limit on quantity, runs up to about 2000 will remain competitively priced. At this point the higher speeds of Litho Presses will make Litho Printing a more cost effective option.

Combining the latest on-line technology with variable print solutions provide print buyers with maximum advantage. Being able to manage marketing campaigns and short run variable printing from the desktop has never been easier. With the right solution, it is possible to order print 24/7 from anywhere in the world, send files direct to press and have jobs delivered within hours.

Stock Management: For printing where larger quantities are needed, e.g. 10s of 1000s, storage, call-off from stock and re-orders need to be managed in an efficient and cost effective way. The best way to achieve this is by implementing a stock management system, with ordering and administration available via the desktop.

Richard Leeds is the founder of PrintJuggler, and provides a personal service for customers with custom printing and gift wrap packaging requirements. For corporate print customers, PrintJuggler provides eShop on-line ordering.Frederica Blog67452
Essa Blog62814

What Is So Different About The Berry Tree?

The Berry Tree offers a new and unique form of marketing, with a patent pending system that enables you to participate in a business where your advertising is included and managed by world-class marketers. Unlike typical Internet or Network Marketing, where the only way to make money is to sell products or sponsor people, The Berry Tree's fully automated system handles the sales and prospecting for you.

The Berry Tree is one of the most hands off opportunities ever put together. Passive members can just pay their memberships and then watch their business grow.

How is this possible? The creators have set up a system that guarantees success by doing the advertising for their members. So, if you join and do not quit you will have the opportunity to share on the money earned by every member, even those that joined before you!

This system is so unique that it is actually patent pending. It may just revolutionize the network marketing industry. How many programs do you know of that can provide an additional revenue stream without additional work?

Your membership includes corporate managed advertising which is used to bring in new members and customers. They buy in bulk and work with some of the top ad agencies in the world to get more of every dollar.

Even though you do not have to actually do anything to build your Berry business there are two ways to make more money, faster:

1. The advertising that is included in all memberships builds your business.

This guaranteed advertising brings in new members that are distributed evenly all through the existing members downline. New members are placed under existing members depending on their enrollment date. Since your membership actually includes advertising to help build your business your success does not depend on your marketing experience only.

The more members that join, the more advertising dollars there are to grow your business.

2. Advertise on your own to build your Berry business.

If you would like to make more money, faster you can also sponsor others. This will allow you to get into profit faster and you also get to earn on everyone in the program. Even those who joined before you!

There is no other program like this one.

* You will be placed in the highest position based on enroll date.

* Your branches are filled by the company and members who joined before you.

* You automatically get multiple profit centers.

* You have the ability to earn on EVERYONE in the company.

* You have the option of a Powerline Income with the Passive Income Bonus.

* The Sr. Certificate gives enables you to earn at a higher level than you have achieved.

Another unique feature of the program is that as your business grows and you move up you can participate in Bonus Pools. What this means is that you can begin to earn extra money on all the Berry Tree members, no matter who sponsored them or when they joined.

There are six ways to earn:

1. The Tree will be Filled by enroll date.

2. Multiple Profit Centers - Automatically allows you to double or triple your check!

3. Fast Start Bonus. Earn $27.00 on personal referrals.

4. Leadership Bonuses. Allows you to earn on every member in the company.

5. Passive Income Bonus. Even more ways to earn.

6. Customer Orders. Earn 30% on Customers.

The Berry Tree may just be the program you are looking for, especially if you do not like to personally refer others.

They are currently in the pre launch phase so now is the time to get in on this great opportunity.

It is unlike anything found on the internet today.

The higher positions are the most valuable due to the way the members will be placed from the guaranteed advertising.

So take action now and start your online business today!

Copyright 2007 Joe Rispoli

Joe Rispoli has been involved with Network Marketing for over 10 years. Get the absolute best postion available in the BerryTree right now, right here: http://www.TheBerryTreeTour.comValry Blog68250
Vivia Blog18775

Marketing: The Internet Has Become A Gold Mine For All Marketing Firms

If the world of infrastructure is a block of granite, marketing is a fluid running through its small chasms. Marketing is a force like gas, a prevalent and very active thing that is difficult to pin down and observe. It is one of the abstracted forms arising from a post-modern way of life, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

It makes sense that marketing in its never-ending search for new forms has branched onto the web. The internet and the screen of the personal computer are lucrative fields for new advertising campaigns. Much of consumer activity has moved onto the web, and so marketing is keeping up with trends by moving its own strategies to a web-based format.

The most familiar ways that marketing firms do this is by the use of devices such as ad banners or pop ups that bring ad copy directly into the view of the user. These are time-tested marketing strategies that work: users click through on ad banners and generate revenue for the creators, improving the status of the company or product. There are also the 'cookies' that companies hide in a user's hard drive. Devices such as cookies provide critical data about a consumer; they allow marketing individuals to create campaigns based on established facts, and they allow researchers to track the web activities of consumers.

Besides these marketing tools, software makers have given marketers different programs to better their commerce. Some of these are available online for a firm eager to improve its web image. One such program is the VIPCART: this package allows marketers to create a 'shopping cart' that shoppers use online to collect product which they can purchase with their credit cards. Though online shopping is hazardous due to credit fraud, many people still shop online.

Marketers can also make use of a package entitled SEO DETECTIVE that lets users compare data on different web sites to get a picture of who is running a particular online industry. The best web sites generate the best sales, and tabulation software such as the detective programs allow individuals to concretely assess who has the best web sites.

Then there are a host of other programs dealing with innovations like keyword-driven sales that also analyze web response from consumers. All of these tools try to direct customers to a product by reacting to feedback through the transparent channels of the web. Keyword-driven sales is one way to get the attention of clients, and in-depth work with search engines can benefit a company's prominence greatly.

By and large, conventional marketing will not go away, but the web will become a bigger and bigger arena for marketing in the future as marketers try to get the most out of online sales.

Robert Michael is a writer for FAA Marketing which is an excellent place to find marketing links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.faamarketing.comFallon Blog44071
Filia Blog52926

How To Advertise In The Right Way: More Sales!

It is not hard to know how to advertise your business.

First of all, you must build the credibility for your business in order to make more sales in return.

Follow these suggestions:

Promise your readers an end result or outcome in your ad. You must give them a solid guarantee that your product will solve their problem.

Give your customers free shipping. If you can't afford that, you can give free shipping to customers that buy over a certain dollar amount to raise profits.

Never assume people believe the information in your ad copy. You need to back-up all your claims with indisputable evidence.

Use free advertising as much as possible. Test a wide variety of free advertising options like banner and link exchanges, classifieds, newsgroups, etc.

Test different web site color themes to see which combination will sell your product better. You can also test the size and style of your web site text.

Test your web site regularly for ordering glitches, bad links, broken graphics, etc. Those types of errors will make your business look unprofessional.

Build a professional looking web site even if you have a small budget. You could use free graphics, designs, list servers, and other tools offered online.

Enter to win awards for your web site. When you display the award graphics on your web site it will increase your credibility and professionalism.

Answer all your e-mail messages as quickly as possible. Nothing will loose a sale quicker than not responding to a prospect in time.

Test and track your results, always. You have the picture, how to advertise in the right way.

Massimo D'Amico is an Italian computer teacher. He has created solutions for website owners and entrepreneurs to make huge profits on the internet. Blog97771
Feodora Blog99838

Tip No. 1 to Escape the Rat Race: Start a Home Business

Nine out of ten employees have had thoughts of entrepreneurship at one time or another, whether they admit it or not. No matter how great the job and how great the pay, sometimes the pressures of a 9 to 5 job can get to you. Sometimes the idea of being in control, of making decisions solo, of working for as little and as long as you like sends surges of excitement throughout your brain and leads you to daydreaming and brainstorming by your lonesome.

Its not impossible. Some of the biggest companies and the most successful businesses we now know and respect began life as home businesses. Dont believe me? Check out Banana Republics roots.

If youre seriously falling out of love with your job, finding less and less joy in working and the thought of looking for another employer freezes you from head to toe, then maybe those dreams of entrepreneurship might just work for you. If you earnestly believe this is your path, then here are a few tips to keep your fires burning.

Got the dream? Make it work.

You are only a king in your dreams. When you wake up, there wont be a throne waiting to catch you when you fall. While dreaming is an excellent way of generating ideas, it really will earn you zero dollars if you dont see if they actually work. Visualizing yourself enjoying the fruits of your home business may prepare your mind for future achievement, but in the end it is your hands that will determine whether your dream will work or not.

Have a plan

Plans are the blueprint of your dreams, the closest you will get to touching them at this point in time. Dont be afraid of lists and make one detailing your personal characteristics, abilities and weaknesses. Break down your dreams into smaller bits and match your abilities with those units. This will let you see what you lack in terms of preparation and resources.

List down as many sources of information and supplies as you can and try to get what you need day after day. You may be approaching your dream home business in small increments, but this means youre moving forward. And moving forward means progress.

Use what you know

The old adage, work with what you love and the money will follow is only true if you go in with enough skills and knowledge about your service or product. The entrepreneurs who actually became success stories while claiming zero to little knowledge of the business are more the exception than the rule.

Accept what you can and cannot do and concentrate on tasks that can make effective use of your abilities. As for aspects you know little or nothing about, get help.

Seek an alternative

Sometimes you just really want to test the waters, so to speak. Its not really the fear and apprehension, but its more likely that you have no idea what the risks will be until you actually expose yourself. If you dont want to take a full dive, then go part-time.

Getting a feel of the business part-time will allow you to experience its operations without too much risk while giving yourself the opportunity to push your business using a hands-on approach. Plus, theres less apprehension factor since you have the assurance of your full time job.

Learn from the masters

If possible, get someone to teach you the ropes. Even the best sources from books, magazines, the internet and graduate schools will not be enough to help you survive the shaky initial stages of building your home business. Learn from someone whos been there, do your research, ask questions.

Seeing green

The prospect of earning unlimited income is probably one of the most attractive possibilities in setting up a home business. After all, you will be your own boss. Every single cent you earn from your little venture will go to no one elses pocket but yours. But when it comes to earnings, its worth knowing that you need money to make money.

It is also important that you keep your expectations to a realistic minimum.

To the brave belongs the prize.

Youll never know what youll get until you do it. Possibilities can only be turned into opportunities if youre willing to have a go at it. Luck and feng shui may calm your jitters, but they wont do much for you if you just sit around biting your nails. If you want it hard enough, then make it come true. Your dream home business can only materialize if you and no one else, make it so.

Thomas Salathe:Verna Blog95372
Vita Blog95398

Marketing Tips

I wanted to share some general tips relating to graphic design for small businesses:

Always include an address on your business card, even if you are operating a small business out of your home-it greatly increases your credibility and makes you look much more established! If you're concerned about privacy, a Post Office box is a great way to go. When signing up for a Post Office box, consider using a "Mailboxes" store instead of the Post Office-you'll get a street address instead of the typical "P.O. Box", and the store will accept shipped packages from UPS, FedEx and other carriers for you, so you won't need to give out your home address as a shipping address.

Never be caught anywhere without business cards again! Carry a supply of cards in your car so that if you can restock when purse or wallet stash runs out. The same applies for brochures, articles, promotional postcards, samples, informational flyers, and presentation folders with information about your company and capabilities-you never know when you'll have an opportunity to hand them out!

Look for ways to make producing your designed materials less expensive. Need a business card and brochure? Why not combine the two into a folding business card and save on the printing costs? Is your logo designed in so many colors that printing becomes too costly? Try having materials printed digitally by an online printing house like or're often much more cost-effective for materials printed on white paper stock. If you want to print on a specialty paper, consider converting your logo to a one- or two-color version just for your printed materials-unlimited colors on a website don't cost extra! We're always thinking up creative ways to save our clients money, and we're happy to offer many more suggestions like these based on your individual needs-just contact us with your questions.

Do you want the professionalism of having a printed letterhead, but don't expect to write 500 letters (the minimum quantity for most printers)? There are two options to avoid this: Design a letterhead that can act as a base for your printed invoices, flyers, report or proposal covers, articles, client intake documents and everything else! This way, all of your materials will be professionally branded-and you'll go through "all that letterhead" quicker than you think! Or, recreate your letterhead design as a Microsoft Word template, so that you can print sheets one at a time from your desktop printer. Just pick up a ream of specialty paper from the local office supply warehouse to avoid that "home printed" look.

If you frequently drive for your business, or if your parking spot happens to be on a busy street, make the most of it by having a set of car magnets designed and printed with your logo, phone number and website address on them-they make a big impact, spread the word all over town and, after the initial investment, it's free publicity!

We hope these tips help you promote your business.

Erin Ferree is a brand identity and marketing design strategist who creates big visibility for small businesses. Through her customized marketing and brand identity packages, Erin helps her clients discover their brand differentiators, then designs logos, business cards, and other marketing materials and websites to reflect that differentiation, as well as to increase credibility and memorability. http://www.elf-design.comVita Blog30612
Vanya Blog26667

Your Online Business Do You Really Want One?

Do you really want an online business? This is a simple question, but you should really mull over what you are getting into, and whether you really can or want to make the commitment. People who are new to the Internet, are sometimes mislead into believing that a website is easy to do. The answer to that belief is -- Yes and No. Ill give you a hint at what skills you need and what to be aware of before you venture online.

Computer Skills

First and foremost, you should enjoy working on a computer. Why? You will find that you may have to commit quite a few hours on the computer when you are building your online business. If you dont enjoy the computer, you might want to rethink your options.

Second, to eliminate frustration and keep your productivity up, you should have some keyboarding skills. Meaning, you should at least be able to type 25 wpm and know or learn, how to cut and paste. To help to increase your keyboarding skills, look at the site Learn 2 Type ( Its a free site that can help you with your basic typing skills.

Third, since you are going to be the chief cook and bottle washer of your business, you also need to know how to maintain your computer. On the Internet you need to protect your computer from hacker attacks. So acquaint yourself and your computer with anti-virus, anti-spam, and firewall software you wont regret the outlay.

Internet Skills

You should have some basic Internet skills. Such as, uploading and downloading pictures images, and files from the Internet, and understanding basic Internet terminology the rest will come later. Im not saying you cant learn it you can. But the quickness of your success will pretty much be gauged by what Internet knowledge you bring to the table when you first begin online.

Email Skills

This one is important. Okay, you may be saying Email is email. What is the big deal?

But on the Internet, you will be acquainted with scammers. Phishing scams abound. It is the newbie that these people hope to catch.

For instance, if you receive an email stating that there is something wrong with your account, and to click on the link to verify that it is okay DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK. If you do, youve just invited a hacker, worm or virus on to your system.

Your Passion

With any business, online or offline, you must have a passion for what you want to venture into. Why? Passion is the juice that will get you up in the morning and to your computer-even when you are ill.

Your passion will even make you think differently about any situation you may face in your online journey. Think about it, if you like what you do, any bump in the road is just thata bump in the road. If you hate what you are doing any bump in the road will derail you. If you dont have the passion, dont even think about setting up a website.

Building A Website

If you want to build a website, but you dont have any programming knowledge, dont fret. Most web hosting services offer programs that can get you building your own website without any programming knowledge. But you still have to do the work.

Working Your Site

Learning how to make your site profitable will take time, if you have little or no knowledge. You just cant put a website up and say, Here is my creation people now come to my site. It would be nice if it worked that way, but alas, it doesnt.

You have to invite the search engines to your site. How do you do that? You have to optimize your site for the search engines and then let the search engines and your target market know that you are out there. Search engine optimization is a long-term strategy of getting hits to your site. Its long-term because you have to tweak and incorporate keywords into your site without taking away from the quality of the content that you want to give to your audience. After optimization is done, then you should submit your site to the search engines for indexing.


You need to advertise your new site on the Internet. Several ways is through press releases and articles.

Press releases will get your site quickly out on the Internet. And articles, they can give you great one-way links that your website needs. And, that small resource box at the end of your article will, or should, entice traffic to your site which is usually your target market.

As you can see, there is more to setting up a website, and you must have the total picture of what you are venturing into before you lay out your hard earned cash. But, if you have the passion, have the skills or are a quick study, go for an online business and reap the rewards that it can offer you. What rewards? To name just a few: self-confidence, self-respect, self-worth and money.

Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: for free tools and quality services, computers, software, articles, ebook reviews, and how to info for the Affiliate Marketer/Internet Marketer.Frannie Blog21309
Vin Blog80869

Internet Marketing Strategy - Insiders Secrets to Making Money Online

Internet Marketing Strategy was Corey Rudl's genius. Insider Secrets for Marketing Your Business on the Internet was a labor of love developed by Corey. And it didn't happen easily for him. Hours of learning and research went into gaining this knowledge and compiling this internet marketing strategy system for making money online.

In June 2005, tragedy struck when Derek Gehl lost his good friend, colleague, and mentor, Corey Rudl, to the sport Corey was most passionate about -- car racing. Corey's passing stunned the entire internet marketing community. But one thing became very clear, very quickly: everyone was adamant that Corey's Internet Marketing Strategy must continue, no matter what.

And so, while Derek had always been content to work "behind the scenes," he suddenly found himself thrust into a very public role. With the blessing of Corey's family, and the support of all of Coreys customers, Derek began running the company. Corey might be gone but his internet marketing strategy system is still very viable for making money online, and I would suggest you take a serious look at it.

Frankly when I finished studying Coreys internet marketing strategy, -The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet, - I was overwhelmed by the huge amount of information he managed to pack into this tutorial. The package included two hefty binders with over 1,300 pages, 4 guidebooks and 3 resource CDs. But I guess I shouldn't have been surprised; after all, when the box containing these materials showed up at my door, it weighed in at over 10 pounds!

That's 10 pounds of the most comprehensive internet marketing strategies, test results, case studies, tools, and ideas for making money online that I have ever read. In fact, the only negative here is the time I needed to study all the information packed into Insider Secrets.

If you're unsure who Corey Rudl was, you should know that he was a recognized expert in online marketing strategy for the last 10 years. Not only did his Insider Secrets generate millions for him in online sales, his sites still attract thousands of visitors a day.

His package includes step-by-step advice for starting your own internet business. It covers how to build a website for under $100.00 and where to find those hot niche products that everyone talks about. It showed me many free and cheap online tools, resources and software that I found invaluable.

Of course, getting visitors to your website is always the first priority and Coreys system showed me how to get new qualified visitors for free. He went into detail on how to get high rankings in the search engines, even Google. He also shared his secrets on writing sales copy that helped increase my sales substantially. Derek Gehl has kept this information up to date, changing the techniques as the internet grows and changes.

What's really great about Coreys Insider Secrets is that it can show anyone how to build a profitable internet business even if you're completely technically challenged like me.

And if you already have an internet business making money online, as I do, this excellent information will take you to the next level. The advanced sections of his system show you how Corey increased his profits dramatically.

It will take time to go through this package and really get a total grasp of all his techniques and strategies. After all, it contains two binders of lessons plus the three CDs and the four guidebooks. You may be a little confused at first but reread it again because it will all make sense.

This review is meant to be a useful, educational and an instructive resource for anyone interested in making money online with proven internet marketing strategies.

This package is not a quick fix as I said. It will take time and patience, but it was worthwhile for me.

I feel completely comfortable giving the Insider Secrets system a 9 out of a possible 10! It is 1,300+ pages of step-by-step lessons containing the exact internet marketing strategies Corey personally used to build a highly successful internet business. If you follow this plan like I did, you too will build a business on the internet, in a reasonable period of time.

Copyright © 2006 Mary Hanna All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna writes eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles on Internet Marketing, Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at: Blog13948
Flore Blog22128

Home Business Success Stories

Do you want to start your own home business? Are you a bit scared because you think that you will lose all of your money? Does it seem to you that every home business fails? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are in the majority. There are thousands of people from one side of the world to the next that want to start their own home business. But even though they are thinking about it, they do not move forward because they are scared to lose money, or that they will fail before they even taste success. Even though these are viable concerns, you need to get past them so that you can be a success.

Believe it or not there are many home business success stories out there. Have you ever heard any before? If not, there are places that you can go to get a good dose of them. If you need a bit of motivation, a home business success story is the way to go. And to find home business success stories you do not have to look any further than the internet. There are hundreds of people that have successfully started their own home business who will be more than willing to share their story with you.

To find success stories you will want to go to your favorite search engine and type in home business success stories. This will give you plenty of results to search through. Within an hour or so you will have the motivation that you need in order to get over your fears, and start your own home business.

If you cannot find any success stories that have already been written there are other places to look. Become a member of one of the many forums that are available. After becoming a member make a post asking for success stories. Soon enough you will have plenty of people telling you how they got started, as well as where they are today. This is also a great place to get questions answered, and to find a mentor.

There are people who have successfully started their own home business. It may seem impossible for you right now, but the fact of the matter is that it can happen. The best way to realize your potential is to read the success stories that are online. This will give you the motivation that you need, while also allowing you to become familiar with what it takes to reach your goals.

Find success stories if you too want to be a success. Follow your goals of owning a home based business, and do not stop until you reach what you have been striving for.

© 2006 Sean Grimes

This article was written by Sean Grimes. Vilma Blog79805
Vanya Blog26667

How To Get Business Success Part 3

Business Principle Number 3: Check Out The Company

What do you think is important when looking for a business?

Sure, the first things you think about are the products and how much money or sales you can make. Then maybe you think about how you are going to actually operate the business and make money.

In fact, it is easy to get caught up in all the hype there is today in the Internet, especially in the area of home based business and making money at home. It seems that every day there are new get in at the ground floor opportunities, as well as so many offers and claims that it makes your head spin. To add to the confusion, there are heaps of Internet marketing product launches, specials, limited offers, bargains and not to be missed deals that you end up spending money on other peoples businesses instead of making profits yourself.

I know, because I have done this myself I have spent thousands of dollars on numerous home business opportunities and on internet marketing products that I thought were the key to business success. Some were good, some were a waste of money.

The thing that I have learned is to check out home business companies to make sure that they meet a number of standards. It makes sense when you think about it. Because if a company is not managed properly it will fall over. Now if I have put a lot of effort into growing a home business, the last thing I want is for that company to fail because of poor management. As well as the financial implications (youre in this to make money after all), you do not want to damage your personal reputation and credibility, which is a valuable asset that you have worked hard to develop.

When a company fails, people think it is because of a poor product, or not enough sales. In fact, it can be quite the opposite. This happens to small business owners too, because as the business grows, the company cannot handle the details. This includes managing the sales, salaries and commissions, and paying their own bills. And because they cannot keep everything going, they actually sell themselves out of business.
Of course, there are companies that fail because of other reasons, like fraud, not keeping up with the needs of the customers and so on.

So what do you look for in a company? Well personally, I always start off with a bit of due diligence, which is as easy as doing a Google search. Just to get a feel for the company (remember that there are always a few complaints, so you want a general overview). I want to make sure that the company is legitimate, so it really helps if the company has a proper office and street address, phone numbers that are answered, and a help or support desk for e-mail enquiries too. I prefer it when there is a real person, with a name, in charge of the company, so you can check them out too.

To be a successful company in a growth phase (because you want the business to be growing and not shrinking), the management team must look after

* Everything to do with commissions and salary, including taxes
* All legal issues, advertising laws
* Customer service and support
* Training of staff and business partners
* Future planning and business planning
* All computer hardware and software issues, including security and websites
* Quality control
* Human Resources
* Product development
* Communication
* Sales and marketing
* Delivery of products or materials (some are digital but many companies still provide product and/or training materials physically).
* International business
* Admin
And so on and so on.

This is just a fraction of all the things that companies have to do to keep ahead of the game and provide a solid foundation for future growth.

I believe it is very helpful to look at a home business companys track record. If it has been around for a few years, is operating successfully and is handling the growth well..these are good indicators that things are fine.

Janet Ellershaw is a successful Internet marketing professional who really loves working at home. Flossie Blog61500
Francesmary Blog8168

The Ingredients Of Information Marketing Business

Information Marketing is a great business and for good reason. With an information marketing business it is easy to generate millions of dollars with some simple websites and solid marketing. Examples of successful information marketers come in all shapes and sizes - from sole practitioners like Yanik Silver to major media corporations like The Wall Street Journal and

Information comes in many forms ebooks, newsletters, websites, CDs, videos, podcasts, and teleseminars, just to name a few. The one thing all of these have in common is that you are generating information and someone is paying you for that information. With these two ingredients, you are instantly in the information marketing business.

Here are 8 quick reasons why information marketing is a great business:

No competition. Your expertise is just that your expertise. No one sees topics and presents the material the way you do. While there may not be any totally untapped market niches, there is no one else doing things the way you would.

Huge profit margins. Information costs very little to produce and can be sold for several times the cost of production.

Do the work once and get paid over and over and over. Information can be static or updated regularly thats up to you but the bottom line is that you can create the information and continue to generate revenue from it. For example, Yanik Silvers first e-book, Instant Sales Letters, published in 2000 has generated $200,000 per year and he hasnt changed the document for six years.

Work from anywhere you want because the information is largely generated from the space between your ears you can do this anywhere, anytime. As long as you can have an Internet connection you can work.

Business works on autopilot. When setting up the business you need to plan for how you will handle all the back-office functions such as fulfillment company, transaction processing, customer relations etc. Once these functions are developed and up and running they can essentially work on autopilot coordinating many of these administrative functions for you.

No need for employees. Because so many of the administrative functions can be outsourced, information marketing is a great business for a sole practitioner or a couple. There is no need to hire employees and invest in capital equipment.

Very low start-up costs. An information business can get started with as little as a couple hundred bucks and your time. While your time is extremely valuable and should be counted, the capital needed to start an information marketing business is very minimal, which makes it an easy

Quick to start the business. With just one information product, you can start an information marketing business very quickly with a simple 2-page website to sell and market products and then you can grow the business from there.

When starting an information marketing business, you need to develop the content, a marketing strategy and then continually think of other products and even derivative products from your existing material to expand your product line. With effort, patience and marketing savvy you will quickly find yourself lapping up success as an information marketer.

Natalie Judd is a 20-year PR & marketing veteran and is principal of Big Voice Communiations and co-founder of Internet Master Series, the central place for the greatest internet marketing minds. More at Blog62881
Fey Blog14255

Business Process Outsourcing

Mega Interactive is a well known and widely acclaimed BPO service provider which delivers best-in-class and highly specialized business solutions in productive and upcoming avenues like Content Development, TeleMarketing service and Inbound and Out bound Call Center Services.

Since the dawn of the new era, business has become easier. Mega Interactive assures outstanding client experience through strong management focus, world-class talent and a sturdy financial platform. All aspects of the clients needs are meticulously gauged and analyzed before coming up with a suitable solution. Other than providing utmost BPO services our objective is to build a healthy working environment with our client on the basis of commitment, trust and respect that leads to a long lasting partnership.

We specialize in delivering quality services in terms of Internet marketing service, Web Promotional services, Search Engine Optimization, Data Entry Services, Inventory management, Administrative and Accounting with the help of our state-of-the-art management technology. Our round-the clock customer support center caters to providing solutions whenever you need them. We believe in facilitating easy business by maximizing profits and minimizing costs through cost-effective, flexible and efficient solutions for your business needs. From guidance to consultation we provide you with just the services you have been looking for.

Telemarketing - How it can improve your business:

Telemarketing proves to be an efficient and cost-effective option for bridging the gap and improving relations with the customers. We work with you as an extension of your business to improve its working and solve the problems and queries of your customers. This simplifies customer communication and expands the sales and marketing options too giving your customer a sense of satisfaction.

How Search Engine Optimization can help your business:

Search engine optimization configures a given web site for maximum exposure to search engine spiders to guarantee relevant placement in the search engines results and database structure. Putting in great content and removing any barriers to the search engine spiders could ensure efficient optimization. A proportional mix of well researched programming, attractive graphic designs this further helps in direct marketing and brand building between the client and the company. By incorporating search engine it allures potential customers to your website again and again, thus building a brand loyalty and nurturing a healthy relationship.

Zakir Hussain is the Search Engine Optimizer at Telegenisys India Pvt. Ltd., a company that offers a wide variety of Search engine optimization, Telemarketing Services, Internet Marketing and website marketing services. Visit at Blog400
Verina Blog35614

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Warming Up Your Cold Market -- Six Network Marketing Strategies For Success

Are you finding that prospecting and working your "cold market" is getting chillier these days? I've noticed this, especially in the last year. When I contact people who had responded to an advertisement that my company ran, it is much more difficult to establish rapport than it used to be!

I've been quite surprised to see how much more closed and suspicious people have been compared to when I made phone calls just a year ago. Perhaps the challenges in today's world have made their impact on people. They are more fearful, less likely to trust someone they don't know.

How do you build rapport and build your network marketing business in times like this? You will need a little more patience, but if you persevere and follow these five basic network marketing strategies, you can warm up even the chilliest of cold markets!

First, I'd like to review the basic network marketing strategies that create successful organizations. It's important to understand that the people who excel in network marketing have a large circle of influence. A circle of influence means that there are a lot of people that know you, like you and trust you. If you don't already have a large circle of influence, and you want to succeed in network marketing, you're going to need to build one!

How do you build a circle of influence? One person at a time! It is always best to start with people that you know. Contact them and ask them know for referrals. Participate in your community, attend Chamber of Commerce events, and hold local meetings. You develop yourself into a leader both personally and professionally, to attract other like minded professionals.

Online, you do the same in the internet community. You build a presence on the internet with a newsletter list or blog (or both) or website, so that you can build a relationship with people. You provide a way that they can get to know you... like an online photo album, and a personal "Get to Know Me" page.

These are the basics of good network marketing. Once you've contacted the people that you know, you will want to expand your circle of influence even further and get to know some new people! You can do this through advertising or through hiring a network marketing ad agency to advertise for you. Now, how do you handle today's increasingly chilly cold market? Well, you need to take more time to WARM IT UP!!! Here are six network marketing strategies for warming up your cold market.

1. Whenever possible, use offline advertising sources such as postcards, newspapers, radio or TV. These prospects see your ad several times before responding, and are usually MUCH more highly qualified. If your ad is credible, people will trust you more easily.

2. If you must use internet advertising, be sure to use an established and proven leads source which includes the use of an e-mail autoresponder. This will allow you to contact people via e-mail legitimately, without spam complaints. If you are very serious about generating leads online, I recommend you create or purchase your own lead generating website. This takes time but is a lifelong investment if done correctly.

3. When you reach a person by phone, don't rush the relationship building process. Find out what they are looking for, ask good questions, and really listen. Don't be pushy, focus on their needs. If you're new at working your cold market, team up with a successful leader in your upline who is experienced.

4. Offer something of value that is free like a report, eBook or consultation, that will both qualify and educate your prospect and that will also introduce you as part of the process. For example, on your free report include a link to your online photo album and your biography or "Get to Know Me" page.

5. Follow up several times to build familiarity and credibility with your prospect. Use an autoresponder to help you in this, but don't depend on it. There is nothing like a good, old fashioned conversation to build trust. Sending a postcard in the mail also helps a lot!

6. Be a real person. Tell, don't sell! Avoid sales pitches, instead, share your own story. Network marketing is about being your authentic best self. Let your heart and your integrity shine, and people will remember you and trust you. When they are ready to try your product or join your team, they will call you!

Tarama Esgoode has been network marketing since 2001. She writes about Blog61891
Veronika Blog94314

Using Free Advertising

I have written a couple of articles about Advertising, and what a real headache it can be. Lately I have been asked how I earn a profit using only free advertising. So I thought I should share some of my insights with others who are still struggling financially online.

First of all I want to point out that if you have the resources to do Pay Per Click, by all means do so. This is the best way to get clients to your website. But as the old saying goes Do not put all your eggs in one basket.

Free advertising is an excellent way to get your feet wet with online marketing. Just dont expect huge success right away. There are a lot of people out there using this form of advertising. You have to keep on top of it every day, every hour. On some advertising sites, the ads rotate faster than you can put them on the site. If you can afford it, purchase a good program for submitting your ads on a rotation. These are especially helpful if you dont have hours to spend in front of the computer.


The use of online forums is growing daily. These are a good source of information, and a great spot to advertise your products. The people on forums are there because they believe in online marketing. They are a captured audience. When you are on forums, make sure you follow their rules. You cannot go on most forums and just start advertising on every thread, this gets very annoying for everyone involved and will in some cases get you banned from the forum. So be sure and read the rules before you post. Also ask questions, answer questions, and always make sure your website address is in your signature. You will meet some great people and get ideas for advertising on most every forum you join. It is a wonderful source for free advertising.


Who knew when you were taking high school grammar, that one-day you would actually put some of what you learned to use. I certainly never thought of it, to me it was just a requirement to graduate and move on with my life. I hated this particular course: but I am digressing.

Articles are a main stay of any online business. If you look up any topic on the Internet, you will find someone who has put his or her thoughts on paper and published it worldwide. The Internet has become a writers dream. You can write about anything and everything. There is no limitation; only your imagination. Write some useful articles about your business. Write some articles about your products.

I recently wrote an article about Data Entry, which is one of the products I sell, I received several hits to my website from that one article.

Publish your articles on any and all ezines. Again, there are programs available that will do this for you, but you can do it on your own. Make a list of different article websites and publish. Some article websites want only original material, so with one article change the title and opening sentence, just change things around in the article so that the same wording is not on every site. Most article sites, however, will publish the same articles; it is only a few that require you to do this.


Remember with any free advertising site, yours is not the only ad for online business. There will be quite a few. Make your ad unique; offer something the others arent offering. In one short sentence you have to capture the audience attention. Why should they buy from you and not your competitor? You have a very short time to get people to look at your website, and hopefully purchase.

With these types of free advertising sites, you have to keep on top of where your ad located on the site.. Daily I check each of my ads on each site I have put an ad on to see where it is placed. If it is off the first page, I resubmit my ad.

Make sure when using free advertising sites that you are putting your ads in the correct category. On some sites you can use Business Opportunities, Work At Home, Jobs, Employment. If the ad sites let you, use all these categories to advertise your business. That brings you total for the one site up to at least 4 ads at one time.

Now that you have the basics of how I use free advertising, you are probably wondering how I found over 200 forums, ezines, and free advertising sites.

It is really simple. #1 Go to every search engine and type in Free Advertising Sites, ezines, and business forums bookmark every site. Go to the next search engine and look for ones that were not in the first search engine and so forth. #2 Once you have done your search, go to your bookmarks and make separate folders for forums, advertising sites, and ezines, and separate what you have saved.

Another good source for finding new sites are forums. As I said before people on forums are very generous in sharing ideas. They are also a great source for finding other advertising sites.

In closing I would like to point out that free advertising takes time, patience, and tenacity. The more you advertise the more your site will get picked up in the search engines for ranking.

Nancy Kraska has been involved with internet marketing since September, 2004. For more information visit her directory of Work At Home Ideas and Opportunities at Home Work For You http://www.hmewrk4u.comViolante Blog57845
Vikky Blog29382

Business Success is Influence!

Do you feel frustrated when sales prospects dont return your calls? Does your anxiety about paying your bills give off a Im frantic to get a sale look?

When you are successful business owner you have a platform to position your product or service with more people. Doors then open to client opportunities. You sell more when your platform is working for you. You can raise your rates and finally have money to go on vacation.

How do you get a platform?

Business success is influence. Influence gives you a voice in your industry. Influence gives you customers that listen. Warning: Influence is not a one-minute sales tip. The proven first step to more influence is to understand how you serve your customer. This requires tough introspection. You need to be serious about serving your customer. Many gurus call this your unique selling proposition. Many professors call this a point of view. But they dont tell you that you need to first serve your customer with passion and purpose. If you serve your customers first, you will have success. Profits will follow excellent customer service!

Proven Advice for Understanding your Business Purpose

Increase Your Business Platform Tip One. Understand your primary purpose for serving your client. You could serve clients by increasing their profitability when you are a business selling to another business (B2B). This allows the clients CEO to tame a nasty board of directors. To make this clear to your customers, clearly state the business purpose in your statement of work, in your presentation of information and your action plan. Have a single minded focus on your purpose; to increase their revenue! You could also sell your services to other businesses to decrease their operating costs. This allows them to crush their competition. Your key business purpose for the engagement is a gigantic personal benefit to these key decision makers. They will invite you back again for another engagement if you make them look good.

Easy Ways to Increase your Business Passion

Increase Your Business Platform Tip Two. Understand your key reason you wake up in the morning to serve your customer. Document your key passion. This could become your mission statement. It is a statement of who you are that will attract clients to you. For example, you could enhance customers lives in some measurable and tangible way when you are a business selling to customers (B2C).Write down three specific ways that your customers feel as a result of an interaction with your product or service. You may provide information that transforms their thinking which has a benefit of less stress. You may cause them to be more physically vibrant causing them to live life more alive. You can bring them more financial prosperity that increases their confidence about facing their future. These benefits rock! Write your reason down today.

When you dont understand how to build of platform of business success and influence. you are missing out. You make your customers miss out. On what? You! Your product or service benefits them and if you do not have a platform for success, you can not enrich the lives of those you serve.

Write down how you serve your customer with passion. Drive all your business activities to this sole purpose. This guarantees that you will have a platform to position your product or service with more people.

Rosemary Hossenlopp © 2006 All Rights Reserved

Rosemary Hossenlopp, MBA provides proven business advice to Small Business Owners. If you are ready to start accelerating your business, then we have free tips here. Go here right now. Blog21409
Farica Blog22424

"Do You Make This Marketing Mistake?" Harvard Business Review...

In a recent piece in the Harvard Business Review, the authors remind us what a normal person wants when they buy something. And no, it is NOT the thing they buy.

Harvard marketing professor Theodore Levitt, they write, used to tell his students,

"People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!" (Harvard Business Review, 12.05)

Think about your product. Are you selling its features, benefits, ingredients, or scientific validity? Or are you offering what someone might do or make happen with it?

Like the drill - it's used to make a hole where there was none before.

So when talking about your products, especially when you're talking to women, tell first how you used the products - what they did for you. Tell YOUR story (AKA Your First Date Script).

Women (a big fat 80% majority of network marketers) always want to know FIRST how others are using the products you are offering - what they DO with it. Not what's in it. That's a big difference between how women and men buy. (Marketing to Women, Barletta) .

So, what if you start with YOUR story? My company's introducing a product for women who... (...who want to get X done, like I did.). Then you tell how YOU use the product and how it helped you do X. How it gave you the "quarter-inch hole" you wanted (AKA Your First Date Script). You end it by asking for someone like you - someone who wants to get the thing done that YOU got done.

Professor Levitt had the insight: Consumers, us, want to get things done. We all buy stuff (and hire people) to get those things done, including buying it just to be able to show it or talk about it with others.

So, what 'got done' for you, by using your product?

Next ask yourself: might there be others out there who'd like to know about a product that did that for you?

And if the answer is yes, that is your market. Isn't it?

Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated. Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site, Blog95587
Vanny Blog26278

You Might be Throwing Money Away!

Did you know that some laser printer cartridges are worth over $20.00 each? Many people are throwing money down the drain. I'll tell you how you can make money or even start a part or full time business. The cartridge remanufacturing business is growing by leaps and bounds. There are now Franchises setting up businesses across the US By the thousands. Empty ink and toner cartridges are in high demand and the demand is growing rapidly even some of the small ink cartridge empties are selling for $6.00. Some empty toner cartridges are worth over $20.00. There are companies that specialize in buying empty toner cartridges. You can easily find them by doing a search on Goggle or any Search Engine. Just type in Cartridge recyclers and several will show up. Some of the companies will even give you a business plan and tell you the best methods for collecting the empties. Typically they will buy in small or large quantities. Sign up is free and they will have a price list that you can print out. This is one business that you can start with virtually no money.

Not all cartridges are suitable for recycling. Type one has the print head built into the cartridge this is the one to collect as they are the expensive ones suitable for recycling .You can tell these by the brass colored electronics on the back of the cartridge and the brass colored print head Type two is just a plastic container with a sponge in it. Ink is injected into the sponge these are very inexpensive to produce and several companies make compatible cartridges that is very inexpensive. Hewlett Packard and Lexmark are the main one that you will need to find. Lexmark makes many printers for other companies like Compaq and Xerox for example. So these are the good ones also The ones to ignore are Epsons, Brothers, most Canons and some Xerox cartridges. I have found one company that takes Epson's.

So far we have been talking mostly about ink cartridges. There's probably more money to be made in recycling the toner cartridges. These are the cartridges used in laser printers and many businesses use as well as some home printers almost all of these are recyclable. You can get a list from the company you sign up with. You can companioned with a recycling company to stockpile and recycle empty printer inkjet cartridges, and empty toner cartridges from laser printers and copiers. For every empty cartridge that is sent, you will receive you payment and usually All shipping supplies and fees are pre-paid by the recycling company so there is no cost to you.

Nearly a million "empties" are thrown away in the United States every day, so they shouldn't be hard to find. Don't hesitate to be creative! Here are a few examples of how some people have gotten involved. A member in Ohio ordered a tabletop baggie aerosol dispenser and printed several of them She made a small display in the waiting room of her dentist's office promoting awareness and support . A family in New Jersey has been gathering empty toner cartridges and inkjets from the local school district. There are several buildings in the district and they all use printers and copiers. They collect the empties every week or so from the schools and send them in. To date, they have gathered and shipped ended 1,000 empties! Several people have taken collection boxes to their work place. Generally, people are very supportive of the recycling effort and are excited to participate. Why recycle cartridges? Recycling unceasingly large amounts of plastics outof landfills. Every year over 300 million cartridges are thrown away. This means for year-end cartridge, about 2.5 pounds of plastic is thrown into a landfill. It will never go away!

Recycling saves natural resources. To imagine a single new laser cartridge, over 3 quarts of oil are used. In contrast, a recycled cartridge only requires 1 quart of oil to be able to be reused. Recycling saves two quarts of oil per cartridge. This year alone, toner cartridge remanufacturing will save over eleven million (11,000,000) gallons of oil.

Richard Sherland

Richard Sherland has been in the ink cartridge business six years and owns http://www.economyinkjets.comVera Blog4149
Felicdad Blog18677

Why Article Marketing is So Effective!

One important part of marketing for the Internet, which holds true for article marketing as well, is the concept of giving something away. This has proven true time and time again. The more you give away, the more you sell.

Consumers expect two things of the Internet free stuff and immediacy. Your article marketing for the Web should deliver both. Don't fear that you give away too much information on your industry or your business products and services.

Don't fear that folks won't need you because you told them how to do it themselves. In most cases, anyone can do it themselves or learn to do it themselves. They call on you because they don't have the time and don't want to spend the resources to do it themselves. They see, in your article writing and marketing materials that you know how to do it and do it well. They will come to you for your paid help.

Whether your article marketing is on your site, or on the site of publications or blogs etc, don't get so caught up in your marketing your product or service's features in the article that you forget to talk about the benefits. Sometimes people don't pick that up from the features. Sometimes your article marketing just has to hit them over the head with it.

As an example, we'll say you're writing an article that is trying to market telecommuting the practice of employees working from home or another location than the company's office. In your marketing article you talk about how telework allows companys to house their staff in a smaller office. That's a feature. But you haven't pointed out what might be obvious to some, but not to everyone. The fact that the firm needs a smaller office means that it can save money on renting or leasing bigger space, or building a larger office, or a bigger parking lot. Those are the benefits. Article marketing must clearly point out the benefits.

Article marketing lets you put your best foot forward, showing yourself as an expert in the industry for which you're trying to lure customers. Reach out to pertinent associations, groups and sites that are visited by those who might need your business services. Offer them your expertise in the form of an article and you'll be marketing your own business at no cost except your time.

Peter Morgan is the founder of JV Members - a new article publishing system, which enables anyone, to easily earn a living online through writing short articles. Click to find out more and claim your Free Membership.Vinnie Blog1761
Verile Blog13794

Six Tips For TARGETING Your Prospects

Would you like to have the webtraffic that the top promotors get? You can buy MLM leads or use a traffic system. I am going to give you a few ways to attract more qualified prospects to your program and tell you ways to help them once they are part of your business.

1. Laser Target Your Potential Prospects

You must target people who want what you are selling. You don't want to sell your program or products to a very general audience. If you are too general, your response rate will be very low and of poor quality. If you are in a health food MLM, you don't want people that are interested in selling cell phones looking at your opportunity, you want people who are interested in selling health food products.

2. Get The Best Bang For Your Buck

Learn how to properly advertise on pay-per-click search engines. Don't be too general - you need specific keywords that apply to what you are offering. If done properly, this is one of the best ways to bring qualified prospects to your site.

3. Test, Test & Test Again

You can always improve on your advertising copy. Different ad copy, with some changes to your ads, can make a big difference to your click through rate. Test many keywords with changes to your ad and see what works best. Promote the ads that receive the most click throughs to get the targeted prospects to your site.

4. Other Options

You know Google is one of the biggest, but they are certainly not the only search engine out there. If you are just starting out or have a limited budget, look at some other options like GoClick and Search-World. There are so many places online that offer pay-per-click advertising that it could make your head spin...but stay focused and just start small with one or two ads.

5. Have A System And A Plan

You would be surprised to realize how many people get into MLM and Network Marketing that just sign up to a program and then sit there and do nothing. So, will it surprise you to find out that the reason they are doing nothing is because they don't have a clear plan of action?

6. Your Website & Follow Up

Your website needs to be your sales page. If you are getting website traffic but no signups, there is a problem with your website design. You need to have a way to "capture" your prospects name and phone number when they come to your site.

When you start getting prospects to your site, make sure you contact them and say something like, " I see you visited my site. I would just like to introduce myself to you and see if you have any questions." This is what will set you apart from everyone else.

How many times have you recieved personal support from your upline? Sure, sometimes you may get lucky, but the majority would say, "Once I got in I was on my own."

For assured success: Make sure you follow up with everyone and make sure they have a plan of action and goals.

Just support your new members like you would like to be treated yourself. You need a "system" that they can follow, and give your new business partners a day by day, step by step plan of action that they can follow. If you do it right, you will have a true MLM system that works. A traffic system will allow you to drive more qualified prospects to your website, assuring that you can make money online instead of wasting your time and money on useless advertising.

James Shutt has been in the network marketing industry since 1990. As an Excel Communications representative, he built a large organization and had a flourishing business until the company went bankrupt.Ermengarde Blog9439
Evangelina Blog59631

How to Write a Marketing Plan

Most businesspeople agree that good planning is essential for success. Even so, its surprising how many companies dont create a thorough plan to generate and manage their customers.

A marketing plan is a detailed roadmap that outlines all your marketing strategies, tactics, activities, costs and projected results over a period of time. The plan keeps your entire team focused on specific goals its a critical resource for your entire company.

A good marketing plan typically includes:

* Financial goals
* Positioning strategy
* Brand strategy
* Product/service overview
* Detailed goals by product, distribution channel &/or customer segment
* Sales plan
* Major marketing campaigns
* Detailed budget
* Dates to review progress

It takes time to develop a solid plan, but its important because it ties all of your activities to tangible goals.

Start with your annual goals

Build your entire marketing plan to achieve the goals that you define:

* Quantitative (numeric) goals such as total revenue, profit, number of customers, units sold, and breakdowns by product or channel as needed.
* Strategic goals -- for example, you may want to expand into a new market with a new distribution channel, or you may need to reposition your brand to reflect a change in your business.

Highlight your competitive position, value proposition and brand strategy

* Your positioning strategy defines how youll differentiate your offering from your competitors.
* Your value proposition defines the primary value you deliver: operational efficiency, product leadership or customer intimacy.
* Your brand strategy defines what you stand for and how youll communicate with the market.

Outline any plans for your products & services

If you need to do anything to strengthen your product line and better deliver on your value proposition, address those issues in your plan.

Outline your major marketing campaigns

You dont need to list every campaign -- just outline your major promotional plans for the year. Youll need to set your budget too, so the more planning you do now, the better. Your plans should include:

* The top three campaigns youll run to generate leads, nurture customers, close, and/or market to existing customers
* The media youll use (for example, email, online, print, telemarketing, trade shows, publicity, etc.)
* Tools, technologies or resources youll need for example, a new website, an email service provider, a new piece of software
* Your ROI and other financial goals

Develop your tactical sales plan

* The number of sales reps youll need and the markets theyll target
* Whether youll need to hire, train, or develop new compensation plans
* Top priority markets, industries or customer segments; if you have a list of key prospects, include them
* Your plan for managing current customers
* Plans for launching any new distribution channels and driving revenue through existing channels

Develop a budget

Budgeting can be a difficult process. Many companies just estimate or base their budget on last year. An estimate is better than nothing, but if youve defined your major campaigns and needs, you can develop better numbers.

You can also use ROI to determine the appropriate total budget for your marketing efforts.

Revisit your plan regularly

The planning process itself is incredibly valuable, but if you don't review the plan regularly, its easy to lose focus. Continually revisit the plan and measure your progress.

When youve finished your plan, its time to execute. You may need to create new messages, literature, website or other tools and processes for your campaigns, but after that, focus on generating and managing your customers. Contact us at and we'll send you a free marketing plan template to help you get started.

James Sagar is one of the creators of the Marketing M.O.,, web-based software that delivers marketing strategy, guided best practices and interactive tools in 29 business marketing subjects. James also contributes to the Marketing Tips from the Trenches blog at Blog66663
Valerye Blog40105

The Biggest Secret In Internet Marketing

In the Internet marketing world, there are many misconceptions and outright lies. But the biggest secret is one that is so obvious that nobody wants to talk about or is even aware of. In this article, I share what I (and many world class marketers) consider to be the biggest secret in Internet marketing.

At this point, youre probably wondering? Whats the BIGGEST secret?

Before I share this secret with you, let me share a common mistake committed by 99% of Internet marketers. Almost all Internet marketers I know can quote you their opt-in rate and spend hours, days, weeks and even months tweaking their landing pages to get the highest opt-in rate. This is accomplished by asking for as little customer information as possible and casting as wide a net as possible. This usually requires asking for only the first name and the primary email address.

In many industries, this results in optimizing for the wrong results. What do I mean by that?

I spend a lot of time in multiple industries other than Internet marketing (including real estate, art, etc.) and for a long time, I was focusing on increasing my opt-in rate but rarely closed any sales (my sales for my products and my clients products range from $997 to $25,000 per sale). When I thought about it, I realized that in all of these industries and especially at these price points, the sale is accomplished via the phone, not via the Web.

Thus, without realizing it, I wasnt collecting all the necessary information for me to complete a sale (that is, I wasnt asking for a phone number because I knew this would reduce my opt-in rate). Most of the gurus who are teaching list building dont take into account industries that conduct business primarily offline and/or the fact that high-end products are not closed via email alone. Heck, I am not sure that any of them has ever tested their methods in offline businesses!

Now, I do a 2-step opt-in rate that allows me to have the highest opt-in rate on the first page and then ask for additional info (including the phone number and mailing address) on the thank you screen. This enables me to follow up via offline methods including postcards, direct mail and even telemarketing.

What does this have to do with the biggest secret in Internet marketing? Simplethe most valuable leads often require you to follow up using offline methods. However, this contradicts almost all list building techniques being taught, which almost always teach how to get the highest opt-in rate. In this case, I made more money by having a lower opt-in ratebut I got higher quality leads, which enable me to follow up via offline methods. Again, in many, many industries, the sales happen via the phone and in some cases via the fax and direct mail.

So, before you spend too much time focusing on optimizing your opt-in rate alone, think through the sales process and figure out what is the best way to close the sale and collect information for that to happen, even if it means a lower opt-in rate.

Now that you know the biggest secret in Internet marketing and the next time somebody brags about their 50% opt-in rate, you will know that he/she is probably optimizing on the wrong thing and leaving WAY too much money on the table.

To get regular notifications on high-end product creation secrets, visit


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Alex Nghiem is the founder of Blue Samba Solutions, creator of the Backend Cash Machine, a proven system for enabling clients to make up to 10X by building a backend of high-end products. His system has been used in multiple industries including art, real estate and many offline industries.Vania Blog57758
Viola Blog12750
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